Picking solutions that allow you to do more with less.
Operator assist technologies increase operator proficiency, accuracy and productivity, ultimately assisting the optimization process by creating efficient labor processes and leading you to automation.
Zoning and Positioning
Zoning and positioning (ZaP) options ensure more reliable, repeatable truck operation by automatically controlling truck functions. This allows operators to focus on their surroundings and the task at hand.
Pick2Pallet LED Light System
The Pick2Pallet LED Light System is designed to help reduce picking errors by using LED technology to visually reinforce product placement for order fulfillment in batch-picking applications.
Pick2Pallet increases operator accuracy and productivity by directing operators to the desired customer pallet, enabling them to confidently move to the next pick quickly. Find out if Pick2Pallet is right for your warehouse operations.
Download Pick2Pallet sheet
In-Aisle Detection System
The in-aisle detection system provides an application-specific feature that automatically displays ‘sensor stop’ on the truck display, sounds an audible alarm, and decelerates the truck to a complete stop whenever it detects certain objects in its path and when locked on a wire in a very narrow guided aisle.
Download more information on In-aisle detection systems
Contact us today for more information on any of these operator assist technologies.