There is often confusion between systems integrators like Abel Womack and true consulting services. Whereas we provide complimentary engineering for the purpose of understanding your application and designing a solution, consultants are in the business of providing much more.
A good consulting firm works with management to understand strategic goals, long term logistical plans and business processes. Only then does a good consultant develop high level mechanization and information management systems that optimize the current and long term goals.
Abel Womack is not a consulting firm, but we have strategic partnerships to accommodate that need. Our select group has many years of experience in the distribution and manufacturing arenas, providing their clients with a full range of services from maximizing supply chain efficiency to lean manufacturing business process analysis and technologies.
Contact Abel Womack if you have a project, and our staff will provide an objective analysis of your needs, determining whether your situation is best served through Abel Womack acting as a systems integrator, or in a collaborative effort of consulting services and systems integration. Being an arms length relationship, the consulting company and Abel Womack have the ability to collaborate in the most efficient and cost effective way for our clients. Our corporate mission is to make sure our clients have the best possible experience dealing with us, that’s our difference.